
Coalition Publications

January 2021
The Apparel and Footwear Supply Chain Transparency Pledge: What it Requires & How to Sign
The Apparel and Footwear Supply Chain Transparency Pledge (“Transparency Pledge”) is a common minimum standard for supply chain disclosure in the apparel and footwear industry. This two-pager lays out the Pledge’s requirements and provides information for companies about how to sign.
December 2019
Fashion’s Next Trend: Accelerating Supply Chain Transparency in the Garment and Footwear Industry
The coalition’s second report takes stock of supply chain transparency as of late 2019. It provides an update on coalition outreach and details uptake of the Pledge by brands, retailers, and responsible business initiatives. Formal communication between the Pledge coalition and RBIs/Brands/ Retailers can be found in Annex III (online only).
April 2017
Follow the Thread: The Need for Supply Chain Transparency in the Garment and Footwear Industry
Follow the Thread explains the logic and the urgency behind the Pledge and describes the responses we received from the companies asked to sign the Pledge. Brand and retailers responses to Pledge outreach sent on company letterhead can be found in an Annex.
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- #GoTransparent campaign - Human Rights Watch and Clean Clothes Campaign
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Watch these videos
- Why We Need Transparent Supply Chains (CCC)
- Using Data to Improve Working Conditions in Apparel Supply Chains (2020 ICAR Annual Meeting)